🫥Empyreans as an NFT

Q2 | After Mint

We place ourselves right after the Mint, where the Boosts will be the protagonists.

On our website, once you log in with your user account and have the Empyrean role, you will find this progress bar, which will fill up depending on your Boosts.

At the moment of minting your NFT, you will receive this character called Empyreo. This will be the main character and your beginning towards the EmpyreanLands.

There will be 5 types of accessories for your Empyreo: Chest, Legs and Feet, Head, Accessory, and Pet.

These accessories will be part of a separate collection, and you can mutate them with your Empyreo to combine them. You will be able to sell and buy accessories to customize your Empyreo to your liking.


The Boosts will be what allow you to advance through these phases and make progress.

As you progress through the different phases, airdrops will be distributed to each current holder with accessories from the respective classes.

Current holders? If you resell your Empyreo for less than the price you bought it for, your Empyreo will be marked as expired, and you will not be able to accumulate more Boosts or progress in these phases. [Expired Empyreos will be exchangeable for a minimum amount of $SOL]

Final phase; The Houses [EmpyreanLands]

By having your Empyreo with at least 1 accessory from each class and completing the Boosts progress bar, you will receive what will be the key to access the EmpyreanLands: the coveted Empyrean Key.

These keys will be created in another collection and will represent your entry into the core of our systems, where you will have reserved percentages of properties from the beginning to be claimed, as well as other exclusive bonuses for you.

Last updated