
Guide and event dates in EmpyreanGoodz


Farming system on Discord, Pre-Website, Empyrean role, Project Docs, Filters activated.

May 2024

Social Media Launch

June 2024

Empyrean role reserve available, WL & OG Opened

June 2024

The farming season on Discord begin

June 2024 🌾

Soft marketing

July 2024

EmpyreanLands start dev.

July 2024

|||||||| FARM SEASON ||||||||

July 2024

Website launch

August 2024

Weekly $SOL airdrops for the Boosts leaderboard.

August 2024

Expand the dev. team

August 2024

$SOL airdrops x Boosts

August 2024

Add several artists to the team

August 2024

Smart Contract

August 2024

Launch [NFT Mint]

September 2024

Empyrean Phases Start

September 2024

Website updates to mutate your Empyrean

September 2024

Phase 1 Airdrops and the market for these opens.

September 2024

Phase 2 Airdrops and the market for these opens.

September 2024

Phase 3 Airdrops and the market for these opens.

September 2024

Burning of non-evolvable supply

September 2024

Phase 4 Airdrops and the market for these opens.

September 2024

Phase 5 Airdrops and the market for these opens.

October 2024

Drop of Empyrean Keys

October 2024

EmpyreanLands, +Info and Dates

October 2024

Alpha EmpyreanLands system and Website

... 2024

Start claiming property fractions and receiving monthly rents.

... 2025

Public EmpyreanLands

... 2025

Updates incoming...

Last updated